Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Four pieces of advice for leaders in business

Sometimes being a leader can seem like a lonely job.  The very nature of leading means that there are few people around who can advise you about whether or not you’re doing something correctly.

Which is why good leaders look to other leaders, especially those who have already succeeded.  Who better to tell you what works in business than someone who has seen it work first hand?  Here are a couple of pieces of advice from successful business leaders.

Listen first, then act.  This advice comes from Cordia Harrington, President and CEO of Tennessee Bun Company.  Cordia came from a family where her families lived month-to-month and it was a treat to visit the local McDonald’s once a month.  But she found success first in real estate, then construction, then by becoming one of the first female McDonald franchise owners in history, and finally by becoming CEO of The Bun Company, a conglomerate supplying buns and English Muffins worldwide to McDonald’s and other distributors.

According to Cordia, listening first to the issue, making sure you understand it, and only then trying to coach is one of the most valuable pieces of advice that she has ever been given.

Listen to both sides of the argument.  Brian Lees, Massachusetts State Senator and Senate Minority Leader had this information from his mentor, United States Senator Edward Brooke.  Listening to only one side of an issue, or only to the people who share your views, means that your own opinions aren’t as well defined as they could be otherwise.   On the other hand, listening and talking to a wide variety of people and listening to their views is essential to becoming a good business leader- one who understands all the issues in play.

Be curious.  As Einstein once put it, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” According to Mary Jean Thornton, former Executive VP and CIO of the Travelers, she has been successful because she learned to stay intellectually curious, which has allowed her to better understand the present and to challenge both herself and her people in her organization.  This has helped all of them end up closer to their original business for the firm.

Know the answers to the questions your staff wants to know.  According to Kevin Nolan, president and CEO of Affinity Health Systems, every employee in any organization wants to know the answers to three questions:  “Where are we going?” “How are we going to get there?” and “What is my role?” Knowing the answers to these questions helps keep your organization moving forward in the right direction, and helps keep everyone who works for you on track for success.